Thursday, June 13, 2019

Coonabarabran to Moonie - 13 June 2019

A great night at the Moonie pub - just sad that we did it by ourselves :-(

Today's plan, well the revised plan after car dramas, was that we would head off earlier to set up camp and get dinner on, so that Neill and Jude could arrive late, knowing they wouldn't be able to leave Coonabarabran until about lunchtime.

So we headed off up the Newell, with our first stop at Narrabri. Which was where we got the first message that there were potentially more problems with their car....... It was decided we may as well keep going, as we were already 125km up the road - and they would catch up.

Another 100 or so kilometres, Greg and I stopped for lunch at Moree and the update was that the next part needed had been ordered and would be installed tomorrow. So we kept driving, as the weather got warmer, and our book got more interesting the kilometres melted away. We crossed the border into Queensland and decided we didn't necessarily have to stop where we had planned as we were going to be by ourselves for two nights anyway. The sun was setting as we kept driving, which meant the roos were out. I'd forgotten how big they are here up north! We pulled in to Moonie just on dark. There is only a caravan park here, which isn't even a real caravan park, but it's fine for us. I paid for our bit of gravel at the pub, bought a six pack of beer as it was still over 20C at 6pm and then we decided to have dinner in the pub as well.

Hopefully Neill and Jude get on the road tomorrow and they can meet us at the Teebar Rodeo on Saturday!!!


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