Sunday, May 09, 2021

Day 30 - Charlotte Plains Station to Cunnumulla

 Jude and I had an 8:30am date at the hot baths and it was the best - perfect time of the day when it was still cool enough to enjoy the warmth of the artesian bore water but late enough and warm enough to walk the 50m to the baths quite comfortably! I had been doing the dishes prior t

o walking over - not something I often do in my bathers! So we really enjoyed the half an hour or so we spent soaking and watching the sun get further up over the steaming water. A quick shower afterwards and final pack up and we were on the road by 9:35am. Just as we turned back onto the Balonne Highway from the Station, a caravan passed us going the other way and flicked up a large stone which not only made a massive bang but left two large chips in the centre of the windscreen which soon started forming star shapes and moving outwards! We soldiered on for the 50-odd kilometres into Cunnamulla. On our big trip in 2014, we free camped at the weir at Cunnamulla (search for it on this blog!) but that doesn’t come up on WikiCamps anymore so we aimed for a caravan park near the weir. Turns out it is pretty great - we are right on the river in the unpowered area away from everyone else. After elevenses as we all retreated to the shade due to the heat, we did a few housekeeping jobs and then headed to to town for the famous Cunnamulla Camel Burger for lunch! Greg and I had had this when we passed through a couple of years ago so it was fitting to introduce it to our travelling companions! And it was as good as we remembered and everyone enjoyed it. We headed back to camp via the weir and we found where Greg and I camped 7 years ago. There sure is plenty of signs telling you there is no camping now! A nice afternoon back at camp with a bit of firewood collection and I had a lovely chat with some fellow Sunlandians who have a bigger version of our van. We got our campfire started (again, more for ambience than warmth) and cracked a bottle of Clover Hill to celebrate Mother’s Day. We enjoyed this as the sun set over the river - just beautiful! Another lovely evening around the fire with music blaring from the caravan speakers.


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