Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Day 37 - Music in the Mulga

It might be Sunday, but the atmosphere here today was just like the second Tuesday in November in Victoria - but instead of the Melbourne Cup it was the Wandilla Cup. And instead of racehorses, it was yabbies. For those who have never been to the yabby races, (nor had we - because, who has?!) it is quite thrilling! There was even a fashions on the field!! So a couple of days ago was the yabby action, where attendees got to bid on a yabby, which would be their entry in the Wandilla Cup. Some of the yabbies went for more than $300! So today all the owners lined up in the owners ring for their race. There were six heats, where the winner of each went into the final, being the Wandilla Cup. The cheers for the various yabbies was quite extraordinary, complete with protests, allegations of drug cheats, interference and requests for stewards inquiry. The final six lined up amid much enthusiasm and the winner was declared. The gracious owners donated the prize money back to charity.

Approximately a quarter of the people moved out of our mini city this morning, as we watched on while enjoying our Sunday morning fry up. That quickly turned into elevenses, because we all know we do a lot of eating on these trips! A bit of washing and housekeeping, lunch, the yabby races, and then afternoon tea of scones with jam and whipped cream back at camp. I started dinner preparation not long after as we had to have dinner completed before this evening’s entertainment. Fresh ricotta gnocchi with a creamy bacon sauce went down well around the campfire, allowing plenty for time for those who did want to see the entertainment to make their way up there. Greg and I stayed back at camp, did dishes and stayed warm in front of the fire before the others came back for tea and Bailey’s. Tomorrow we hit the road, for the drive back south. We know it is going to get colder and of course, it signals the end of the trip.


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